Beyond the flowers and Hallmark cards, Mother’s Day offers an opportunity to pause and reflect on what mothering is and who wears that mantle. This beautiful prayer from Rev. Ongiri affirms all those who identify in those roles.
On Mother’s Day, let us mark how beautiful and complex it can be to mother and be mothered:
To those who have mothered, we thank you.
To those who rejoice in the work, the role, the presence of mothering and mothers, we celebrate with you.
To those who are in the thick of parenting children of any age, we appreciate you.
To those who experience loss through infertility, abortion, miscarriage, adoption or running away, we mourn with you.
To those who have lost their mothers, we grieve with you.
To those who have endured abuse at the hands of their mothers, we acknowledge you.
To those who experience pain at the marking of this day, we witness you.
To those who are single moms, grandmoms, stepmoms, foster moms, adoptive moms, mentor moms and spiritual moms, we need you.
And to those who are pregnant with new life, both expected and surprising, we anticipate with you.
May we reflect with gratitude on the wide spectrum of mothering that happens in our lives and in our communities.
Words by Rev. Leah Ongiri
To the mothers and children in my life – I am grateful for your teaching me what life is all about.
1/3/20 Lianna + Eric & Aldo