We are three weeks into the Physical Distancing in Milwaukee required to flatten the curve from COVID-19. This is hard. We are social beings and being isolated goes against our nature. At first, I was excited about having some (unknown amount) of time in front of me to stay home, clean a few closets, read some of the stack of books on my nightstand, and slow life down a bit. But then, it hit me, the realization that this Physical Distancing wasn’t going to be just a week or two but some much longer unknown amount of time where we are not going to be going about the life we knew.
My coping methods to find and keep balance during uncertain times includes list making. Trying to feel in control of something in an out of control time. Lists of what to clean, which new parks to hike, what business systems and paperwork to revise, which clients to follow up with. But my higher self knows that is not the best use of this time, going inward and finding meaning and mourning for our world is where I need to be.
Today, I walked a different route out to the lighthouse on Lake Michigan. My husband took this picture of me and my pup and I think it is a good representation for how I’m feeling – a bit off kilter. The funny thing is, this lighthouse is actually very tall and straight. It is just the angle of the photo that makes it look like it’s leaning. And so it is with the world. The earth still spins and the sun still rises, just with a world-wide pandemic novel virus spreading through it; a bit off kilter too.

Be gentle with yourselves. Take the time you need to mourn and grieve the many losses we are experiencing. Hold in prayer those who are keeping our society running and caring for the most vulnerable. And those who have lost their loved ones or employment completely.
Pregnant families are among the most stressed at this time. Their birth plans are being impacted in countless ways including not knowing if their partner or husband will be allowed in the hospital with them, adjusting to virtual support from their doula, not having their family visit after returning home with a newborn. I can help with this. I have been and am supporting births virtually and working extra hard to prepare families to manage during the 4th trimester. Help is available, please don’t feel like you have to go this alone. We’re in this together and we’ll help each other find balance once again.