Anyone who knows me, even a little bit, can probably tell you that I’m all about the food. As an Italian, cooking and being around the table with family and friends are at the center of my joy and happiness. I grew up in a house where we grew, cooked, canned and preserved most of the food we ate. Today, from my condo’s tiny garden, I grow a bit of what ends up on my table in addition to what I get from my vegetable and meat CSAs.
When you are pregnant, food becomes even more paramount in your life as you are literally “eating for two.” And making decisions about how to get the right nutrients for mom and baby can be challenging. Eating whole foods and skipping the processed foods is a great start to a healthy diet. If cooking is hard to fit in your schedule when you are feeling extra tired, try doing some batch cooking on a weekend. You can have a few meals prepped and ready to go for those busy weeknights. And, being aware of salt. That is important for all of us but especially pregnant women according to Dr. Rahul Gupta, chief medical officer at the March of Dimes.
Hypertension during pregnancy can lead to preeclampsia, a pregnancy complication resulting in high blood pressure and damage to liver or kidneys. This can result in premature birth.
Dr. Rahul Gupta
Check with your medical provider if you have questions about what to eat and your nutrient intake. Be sure to disclose any herbal supplements you are taking as they may affect the absorption of some vitamins and nutrients. And, stop by your local farmer’s market, support a local farmer and buy some delicious in season produce. Your family and baby will thank you!
This article speaks to concerns about nutrients and sodium for pregnant women. https://www.chicagotribune.com/lifestyles/health/sc-health-pregnant-women-nutrients-0703-20190625-cqavbpwx4ragvighaong67dw4m-story.html