I am titilated to be invited to participate in the Better Birth Pro series panel on June 5th. Becoming certified in the Body Ready MethodTM has provided me a plethora of tools and knowledge on when to use them to stack the cards in your favor by optimizing the pregnant body for a more comfortable pregnancy, more efficient birth, and a smoother recovery.
Why did you, fellow birth worker, decide to work with pregnancy and/or birth?
For me, it was because I could impact a client’s birth experience with evidence based tools to help them have the birth they desired.
That’s why I didn’t even hesitate when Body Ready MethodTM asked me to join the Better Birth Pro series in a panel discussion about our responsibility of supporting physiological birth beyond comfort measures.

I get to participate in a conversation about what this responsibility means to me and why I am a huge advocate of support beyond comfort. Don’t get me wrong, comfort measures are huge and they should not be tossed aside, but there is so much more we can and should do to support our clients!
Join us, June 5, at 1p ET as we put it all out there. We can’t expect to change the norms unless we are ready to talk about ‘em… and we are ready!
This is just ONE of five information packed sessions of the Better Birth Pro Series.
Check out the rest of the events and sign up free
Hope to see you on Zoom!
PS – All who register will gain replay access to all BBP sessions! You have nothing to lose. Sign up FREE here.