The Body Ready Method is an innovative and comprehensive approach to supporting the pregnant, birthing, and postpartum body. As a Certified BRMTM Pro, I’ve been trained to understand the what, the why, and the how to prepare the body to remain strong and functional during pregnancy and to create the balance, the support and the mobility needed for a more efficient birthing process and smoother postpartum recovery. Understanding birth biomechanics to know what positions and techniques to do to encourage progress and ease at any stage of the birthing process is essential to help my clients have the best birth experience possible.
As a BRMTM Pro, I aim to minimize the need for medical interventions by understanding the physiology and biomechanics of the birthing process.

The BRMTM Pro certification was the result of four months of intense study, attending weekly classes, passing weekly quizzes, watching oodles of hours of synchronous videos, reading the BRM manual, meeting weekly with my awesome study group, and passing a rigorous capstone interview.
Why would I put myself through all this when I have been trained as a doula for years and already had a comprehensive toolkit of techniques to assist my clients? Because it is the most current and innovative approach and I believe will be the standard going forward for birth workers to understand to deliver the highest level of service possible to our clients. So, I did this for YOU. And for me to know I am offering the best care possible to those I serve.