I am titilated to be invited to participate in theBetter Birth Pro seriespanel on June 5th. Becoming certified in the Body Ready MethodTM has provided me a plethora of tools and knowledge on when to use them to stack the cards in your favor by optimizing the pregnant body for a more comfortable pregnancy, more efficient birth, and a smoother recovery.
Why did you, fellow birth worker, decide to work with pregnancy and/or birth?
For me, it was because I could impact a client’s birth experience with evidence based tools to help them have the birth they desired.
That’s why I didn’t even hesitate when Body Ready MethodTM asked me to join the Better Birth Pro seriesin a panel discussion about our responsibility of supporting physiological birth beyond comfort measures.
I get to participate in a conversation about what this responsibility means to me and why I am a huge advocate of support beyond comfort. Don’t get me wrong, comfort measures are huge and they should not be tossed aside, but there is so much more we can and should do to support our clients!
Join us, June 5, at 1p ET as we put it all out there. We can’t expect to change the norms unless we are ready to talk about ‘em… and we are ready!
This is just ONE of five information packed sessions of the Better Birth Pro Series.
The Body Ready Method is an innovative and comprehensive approach to supporting the pregnant, birthing, and postpartum body. As a Certified BRMTM Pro, I’ve been trained to understand the what, the why, and the how to prepare the body to remain strong and functional during pregnancy and to create the balance, the support and the mobility needed for a more efficient birthing process and smoother postpartum recovery. Understanding birth biomechanics to know what positions and techniques to do to encourage progress and ease at any stage of the birthing process is essential to help my clients have the best birth experience possible.
As a BRMTM Pro, I aim to minimize the need for medical interventions by understanding the physiology and biomechanics of the birthing process.
The BRMTM Pro certification was the result of four months of intense study, attending weekly classes, passing weekly quizzes, watching oodles of hours of synchronous videos, reading the BRM manual, meeting weekly with my awesome study group, and passing a rigorous capstone interview.
Why would I put myself through all this when I have been trained as a doula for years and already had a comprehensive toolkit of techniques to assist my clients? Because it is the most current and innovative approach and I believe will be the standard going forward for birth workers to understand to deliver the highest level of service possible to our clients. So, I did this for YOU. And for me to know I am offering the best care possible to those I serve.
Labor and birth are unpredictable. Let’s start with that. However, there are things you can do to significantly affect your birth experience. Choosing your birth team is the first thing you can control. Many women think they should stay under the care of their gynecologist who they’ve had a relationship with for years. This may not be the best medical professional to care for you during your pregnancy and birth however. Once you develop a birth plan, a thoughtful guide to how you’d prefer your birth to go, you might find that your obstetrician is not in accord with your desires or regularly attends the type of birth you want. If that is the case, change! It is challenging to micro-manage a medical provider’s approach and makes for an uncomfortable relationship when that occurs. Consulting your doula for who in your area might be a better fit is a good place to start. It may be an obstetrician in a hospital, it could be a midwife in or out of hospital, or it could be in a stand alone birth center with a midwife. You have many choices and it is important to take the time to ask your medical provider questions during your visits to make sure they are the right person for you.
The next thing that you have control over is when to leave home for the hospital or birth center. Laboring at home for as long as possible is ideal. You will labor easier, faster, and more comfortably in your own home surrounded by your smells, food, pets, bed, etc. Feeling safe and secure is important for your body to open and release your baby and that feeling is best experienced in your own home. Typically, we suggest you leave for the hospital when you are 4-1-1. Your contractions are four minutes apart, lasting one minute long, and this has continued for one hour. This would put you in active labor and chances of the transition to the hospital slowing your labor at this point is less likely. You will avoid unnecessary interventions if you are closer to active labor when you arrive.
Lastly, know your options and what is normal. Work with your doula to learn skills that help labor progress and you be more comfortable. Your doula will provide some childbirth education during your prenatal visits. She’ll practice comfort measures and labor positions with you so you will be comfortable with these techniques when labor begins. She’ll offer you referrals to local bodyworkers including pelvic floor physical therapists, chiropractors, and acupuncturists if needed. She’ll support your partner, in addition, so s/he can give the birthing person effective comfort measures.
Take advantage of the things you can control to influence the type of birth you will experience. Birth is a transformational experience in your life unlike any other, take charge and use the tools available to you to have the best experience possible. Find your doula today to help you control what you can.
Labor and birth are unpredictable. Let’s start with that. However, there are several things you can do
In the days of COVID-19, doula support has morphed into a new way of providing services to clients. Since March with the Safer at Home orders, I’ve been conducting all prenatal visits via Zoom. We’re fortunate to live in an era when we have access to excellent technology to allow us to meet “face-to-face” yet be safe.
virtual prenatal visit
Here is what my living room looks like after a visit. Prior to the visit, I’ve delivered a packet to the client with all the handouts that we are going to review. All the information is also available in my online Resource Library for those who prefer to see it that way. The client is in their living room and I’m in mine and together we review the packet of childbirth education materials, practice comfort measures and laboring positions and answer questions. Some clients are actually preferring the virtual support as they don’t have to get childcare, and, it gives the supporting partner or husband a greater hands on role.
As a bonus, my Birth Plans now include much of the Postpartum Preparation that I offered as a separate contract prior to the pandemic. That makes the Birth Plans a great value and more comprehensive. Since many parents are not having the previously expected support of family and friends coming into the home once baby arrives, intentionally and carefully creating a postpartum plan is even more essential now. We review preparedness for baby’ care and mom’s recovery, discuss plans for sleeping, feeding, diapering, and household needs.
“The way hospitals, OB’s, and nurses are set up there is very little coaching or support during the labor and even delivery until your wife/parter is ready to push. Then the whole team comes rushing in ready to catch the baby. Having a doula (especially Jo Ann) to support us through the whole process (even virtually) helped ensure a more positive outcome not only in physical health for mom and baby but in mental and emotional health as well. This is something every woman should strive for and be able to achieve. Being that JoAnn now has virtual options (thanks to the pandemic) no matter where you are located, she is able to support you, so give her a call and see if she is the right fit for you. “
Testimonial from virtual support father 2020
If you are wondering if virtual birth doula support is for you, please give a call and we can see if it (and I) are the right fit to support you during this very important time of your life (414) 301-7729. Because doulas are part of the non-medical support team of your pregnancy, we are not issued PPE as are medical staff in the hospital and minimizing the number of people in a delivery room is strongly recommended to keep everyone safe, virtual doula support is an excellent option for those who still want the expertise of an experienced, certified doula but not the added risk and contagian of in-person contact.
In honor of Father’s Day, read a recent testimonial posted by a client eloquently expressing the benefits of virtual doula support for him and his wife during labor and delivery:
“Doula support from a husband’s perspective “the short of it”: If you had no formal training and had to coach the Super Bowl in nine months you would hire the best coach with multiple Super Bowl titles to get you up to speed. That is what it’s like having Jo Ann’s support as a husband/partner through pregnancy, labor, and delivery (which, let’s be honest guys, we know nothing about, and it’s the last thing you want to be bragging to be an expert at…). She is extremely dedicated, knowledgeable, and caring about her craft and her clients which makes her the best choice. Guys, hiring a doula doesn’t get you off the hook for doing the work but you will have someone to support you as well with ideas and guidance as you do the work. Your wife is birthing your child, the least you could do is help in whatever way she needs during the process. Jo Ann will give you the tools necessary to do this through practice and repetition prior to labor and delivery.
We hired Jo Ann at 38 weeks knowing we wanted someone knowledgeable who could continuously support us with the goal of a VBAC through preparation, labor, and delivery. The way hospitals, OB’s, and nurses are set up there is very little coaching or support during the labor and even delivery until your wife/parter is ready to push. Then the whole team comes rushing in ready to catch the baby. Having a doula (especially Jo Ann) to support us through the whole process (even virtually) helped ensure a more positive outcome not only in physical health for mom and baby but in mental and emotional health as well. This is something every woman should strive for and be able to achieve. Being that JoAnn now has virtual options (thanks to the pandemic) no matter where you are located, she is able to support you, so give her a call and see if she is the right fit for you.
The long version (for those still reading):This whole pregnancy (2nd child) my wife talked about having a positive physical, emotional, and mental birth experience with as little intervention as possible along with a VBAC (vaginal birth after cesarean). I watched as she put in multiple hours per day for months preparing her body and mind for labor and delivery after full days of caring for our 18 mo old daughter and working part time. We were two weeks away from our due date when it really hit me that I knew very little about how to support my wife in achieving her goal once the time came that she would be in labor. It was the moment when I was reading the first few chapters of “The Birth Partner” by Penny Simkin (a recommendation from my wife) when I realized how much a doula could benefit both of us during this process and we decided to start searching (better late than never). The other factor which played into our decision was the ongoing pandemic and policies where only one support person was allowed in the birthing room at a time. If we were going to achieve the birth plan we both wanted it was necessary to have someone that could provide continual guidance and help us weigh pros and cons of decisions prior to labor, during labor (at home or hospital), and delivery. This, I realized afterwards, would be extremely beneficial to any woman and in any circumstance, not just during a pandemic.
We are SO thankful to have found Jo Ann, she is an incredibly caring human being and there is not a doubt in my mind we should have hired her for our first child, earlier in this pregnancy, and would 1000% hire her again if we choose to have more children. She ended up supporting us through FaceTime nearly the whole labor and delivery since things were moving along quickly (4 hours of labor and 4 hours of pushing is fairly quick in this case). I was truly in awe of her ability to stay engaged with us and pick up on nuances in my wife’s face to let her know when things were happening during the entire 8 hours. This is not an easy task while virtual and just staring at a screen, but it is the mark of someone who is truly dedicated to their craft and their clients. I have no doubt that Jo Ann’s virtual support is just as beneficial as her in person support.
Through her virtual support I was able to confidently support my wife 100% while being able to “phone a friend” for guidance every step of the way. Her involvement also allowed me to fully immerse myself in the process of supporting my wife and not have to spend time away from my wife thinking or referencing materials about what and how I should be giving support to my wife next. Since we practiced the positions and methods she recommended that we would use during labor and delivery in the days leading up to it, we both knew our roles well when the time came and could execute without thinking or discussing, when that would have only distracted from the task at hand.
For those considering hiring a doula, Jo Ann is the right choice no matter you or your partners birth style preference. She will guide the conversation around what preferences your wife/partner has for the birth plan and then assist you in confidently supporting your wife/partner to meet as many preferences as is possible. Believe me, there will be things you will forget about when the time comes, and Jo Ann ensures that you have yet another person fully committed to how you and your wife/partner want this process to go.
Another way Jo Ann supported us so well was discussing the pros, cons, and the why behind some of the advice and feedback we received (or would receive) from our OB and medical staff. We were able to discuss scenarios that may come up prior to even being in labor and have a notion of the direction we would take so we wouldn’t have to try to discuss once we were at the hospital focused on delivering a baby. She was able to explain the options in a way that made decisions based on our birth plan clearer and was able to give insight into alternatives which could be pursued, including doing nothing and just waiting (which is sometimes the best option). Having this third party observer with the knowledge to understand the medical jargon and the articulation to explain helps make clear minded decisions during a time when your mind is otherwise preoccupied trying to support your wife/partner.
VBAC Warrior
If you are considering hiring a doula, you need not look further, Jo Ann is one of the best. She is extremely knowledgeable through her training and experience but also attended additional trainings and researched additional topics including VBAC when there was additional information available to help us. She was always responsive and available whenever we had a concern. She is always calm and reassuring, collaborative with the hospital staff and OB, and always had a suggestion when it felt like nothing was working. After hiring her at 38 weeks, during a pandemic, with only virtual support options my wife was able to achieve an unmedicated VBAC delivery (my wife is also a warrior!) We could not speak more highly of Jo Ann’s support. If you are still on the fence, give her a call, it only took a few minutes for us to realize the value she could add during pregnancy, labor, and delivery.”
Babies continue to be born despite the happenings in the world around us including a worldwide pandemic. The social distancing requirements to flatten the curve of the COVID-19 impacts our ability to be physically close to one another. This however, does not mean that we cannot be virtually close and continue to be connected and share conversation, information and support. With creativity and flexibility, you can still have the invaluable support of a professional certified doula near you.
As a birth doula, I know now, more than ever, it is critical to have the continuous support of a qualified and experienced birth doula beside you. Anxiety levels are heightened right now because of the uncertainty around us. The added concerns over the new regulations and fear from the unknown from the COVID-19 create higher stress levels in the mother. Most hospitals have limited the number of people who can be present in labor and delivery to one which is most often the husband or partner of the laboring woman. But as your doula, I can still be present to you via the excellent technology available to us today. I will work harder than ever to keep you empowered and feeling safe throughout the process of labor and birth.
We develop a plan together of how we will communicate when you are laboring at home and at the hospital; this may be FaceTime or Google Hangout. Having a long extension cord and charging cord for your device will give you flexibility in where you place your phone or iPad. A stand or means to prop your phone or iPad is also helpful. I can still be near you, see you and give suggestions on position changes and comfort measures. We can discuss any options presented to you during labor and make sure you are using informed consent and have the information you need. I can still coach the partner in ways to comfort and support you. Postpartum, I will encourage you to do skin-to-skin with your newborn and give advice on baby latching and nursing. The information you desired and wanted will still be there for you. You are not alone in this. Your doula can help you and support you despite not being physically in the room. We’ll get through this together.